In light of the above, MSC11 has set as its theme, Malaysian Social Science In 21st Century: Global Transformation and Inclusive Development, in order to provide a forum where issues related to the theme can be critically discussed. The theme is broadly conceived so as to avoid a seemingly narrow focus. Thus even contributions which are not directly related to the theme, but occur within the broader scope of Malaysian Studies, are also welcomed including comparative studies on Malaysia and other countries.
Papers can be submitted on, though not necessarily limited to, the following sub-themes:
Malaysian social science and inclusive development
Global transformation and the 4th Industrial Revolution
Class, ethnic, culture and identity
Contestations, youth, media and popular culture
Critical issues in geography, human development and the environment
Economic development, poverty and social inequality
Education, national development and transformation
Gender, sexuality and social transformation
Globalization, international trade and foreign direct investment
Agile governance, the political system, and the public sector
Religion, multiculturalism and the nation-state
Indigenous and marginalized communities
Political developments, regionalism and international relations
Health, security and quality of life
Revisiting literature, language and history towards inclusive development